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周一, the school presented certificates and pins honouring those who had achieved academic success in the second term at an Academic Assembly held at Centenary Church. 
The evening included presentations to individuals who earned top averages in all grades. Students in Grades 10, 11 and 12 received red sweaters in recognition of their success. 他们是:
  • 七年级:本杰明·马格南
  • 八年级:克拉拉·巴克·汤普森
  • 九年级:吉川鲁米娜
  • 10年级:劳里·奥宾
  • 11年级:Luke DeLaBruere
  • 12年级:徐嘉轩“Jacky”
今晚的特邀演讲者是西蒙·摩根. Ms. Morgan obtained a bachelors and master’s in electrical engineering from McGill University  and spent the first third of her career working abroad. 在法国和英国工作之后, she returned to Montreal and obtained an accounting certification and MBA, before taking on the leadership of one of Videotron’s engineering departments. Here, she helped launch Videotron’s first mobile network and introduce 5G. Three years ago, Siân quit her job, studied finance and tried her hand at creative writing. 经过几十次信息面试, she discovered her new professional path as a research director at a Market Analyst firm based in California.  She now develops financial models and forecasts the future of the IT market for high-tech vendors and financial institutions. 
sin加入了边境上大学 红色的 & 2023年担任白色 Foundation Board董事. Siân had the good fortune of studying engineering at McGill with Mr. 范戴克和布鲁斯崔西, who just happens to be the brother of Head of School Joanne Carruthers and to whom Siân is married.

On Tuesday, the school awarded the Black Sweater to Madeline Lippmann, Grade 12. This is Madeline's third Black Sweater and her second consecutive. She earned it this term for being the Major S winner (basketball) in the second term with an average of at least 80%. The recipient is chosen by program directors with consideration for the candidate’s course level, 课程负担和其他学校承诺. 祝贺你! 
